The year was 2015. That’s when Life Lab Notes started sharing its field observations from the lab of Life in a storytelling podcast. Since that time…well, it’s cliche to say it, but wow! So much has changed. Our world looks and feels different. (For many, it’s the same world, but more people are aware of its systemic unjustness.) The way we talk about ourselves and each other has shifted, which is a good thing. Take pronouns, for example. Of course, it’s tricky to accommodate other folks if you disagree with them, but many people are managing it and that’s also a good thing. I mean, who ever said we would all agree? (It’s definitely hotter though, amirite?)
It took us two years to settle on the name Life Lab Notes. That’s because names, labels, handles, are important. They give some information about the thing they’re attached to. They identify. It’s funny, we are natural born namers. Without thinking about it, we look for patterns, we herd things and people into different categories, usually on the tiniest shred of information! Like…their accent! Their skin colour! Whole big decisions made about them just based on that. Imagine! Pfft! But that’s not what this post is about. Look at me, digressing all over the place. This post is about Stitcher, one of the podcast platforms we appear on, ending operations on August 29th. Their sister app, Pandora, will carry Life Lab Notes. Of course, you can find Life Lab Notes lots of other places, too. Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible - our music and SFX designer and engineer, Phil Ward, listens to Life Lab Notes on his iCatcher app. I, myself, use Overcast. So many places to get all kinds of information. It’s a bit overwhelming. Wherever you get your info, your podcasts, your news, I hope you check it with a few other places, and I don’t mean your loudest relatives at the holiday dinner. You know, try to take in all sides of the topic and really consider it through a neutral lens. There I go again! My goodness, I’d better let you go. But do come back. Halloween is right around the corner, so we’ve got our idea cauldron out and we’re tossing story ideas in there and seeing what bubbles up. Whatever it is, we’ll share it with you. But not on Stitcher.
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Silvie Zamora